Funny little things going on around here as Christmas approaches. The work-shop becomes a magical and off-limits place.
I can hear the table-saw and, if I do venture close, smell the sawdust. Yesterday I stepped outside the back door to let the boys know there was a pot of tea on the table and I saw Jesse and Heather standing with their hands over their hearts facing Byron and Colin. I wondered, as well I might, what on earth was up.
Well, Byron had been helping Colin with a project and they all turned and looked at me like I was breaching some international boundary by even looking toward them all. I informed them about the tea and asked, very innocently, what they were doing.
"We're being sworn to secrecy before we enter!" Jesse called back "Now go away!" Apparantly they were not allowed to set foot inside the Hallowed Hall of Creative Efforts in Wood until they had sworn not to tell what they saw there.
They did finally come in for their cup of tea, satisfied with their secret knowledge.
Heather hasn't been working in the wood-shop. She has been knitting with her Grandma and her little scarf is about 10 inches long now. And that's a very sweet sight, I must say, a little girl knitting with her Grandmother. Speaking of Grandma, Heather and I took her to see The Nutcracker the other night. That makes everything feel like Christmas!
But of all the creative efforts going on I think that maybe the one that makes the most interesting impression is catching a glimpse of Jesse. Jesse with his blond dreads and his strong arms and hands. Yes, that Jesse. He's sitting here next to me by the fire ... knitting.
We have eggnog and Christmas lights and a documentary about Africa. And a slightly bohemian uni student who knits.
How great is that?
(PS Beatiful snowman and evergreen in pastels by my 9 year-old niece, Alex.)
Hi Lisa...how wonderful is that? Boys in the wood shed and knitting!Just taught my Judah to make his own jogging pants...I somehow got such a kick out of it seeing him on the sewing machine. I love it when creative juices are genderless!
Thinking of you and loving your blog as usual. Europe misses your presance.
Love to Byron and you from Ro and me.
Oh Sophie! It's nice to hear from you! So fun to picture your boy sewing :-) Missing Europe...
Big love to all of you! lisa
I can totally picture all that... well, Jesse knitting is a bit harder, but I can :-)
P.S- send a hug to your parents there... I was thinking of them as I was puting my nice and warm vest they brought for me as a present...sweet...they made me feel more as your family :-)
that's all we would have needed last night... to have you by our fire with us! good to know my parents are a part of keeping you warm :-)
and ps i just found jesse sitting at the table knitting in front of his computer screen! and he says, "Gromit knits so this is very cool!"
I would just like to say that I miss your office in Portugal where there was lotsa great kid art like this on the closet walls.
sorry for my ignorance...but who the heck is Gromit:-)
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