Friday, October 12, 2007


I sent the following out as a note to some friends today. Then I remembered that I have friends in blogdom who would pray too.

My cousin, Brenda, is younger than me and the mother of four. She has a very strange disease which creates ulcers all over her body, (Pyoderma Gangrinosum.) They treated it with strong chemo that did a terrible amount of damage and she went into a coma. She has now been in a persistent vegetative state for 6 weeks.

Yesterday the tremendously difficult decision was made to stop feeding Brenda. They expect her to pass in the coming days or weeks.

Please, please pray for Brenda and for her family. Obviously her husband and four kids are totally wrecked. Brenda is the oldest of three sisters and her dad is one of my mum’s younger brothers.

We are still asking the Lord to wake her up, but trusting Him in it all. Not that trusting is always that easy.

1 comment:

jesus gypsies said...

I am praying right now for Brenda, her husband and her four children. May God be glorified through Brenda's life.