So I put our milk on to boil yesterday morning.
Why, you ask? Well, the milk I buy is fresh, as in still-warm-from-the-cow. We boil it to purify it.
Anyway, I put the milk on, let it rise up and stirred it down a couple of times and then I turned the gas flame off and left it on the stove to cool a little before putting it in the fridge. Only I didn't really turn off the flame. I just turned the flame to very low and thought that I had turned off the flame.
The morning went on and I was fully into several things. Heather and I were working on long division--the very bane of my life. I was also editing Colin's research paper (on the evils of sodas and the way they rot your teeth,) and working very slowly through an unreasonable inbox that seriously is so bulging I should just admit failure and join a recovery group.
I was quite proud of how effectively I was multi-tasking until Josephine came and asked me what I was doing with the milk.
Good grief! I had left the milk simmering away for going on 3 hours. It literally was simmering away too. I lost close to a liter in the extended boil and what I was left with was, I guess, condensed milk. It had that smell of condensed milk as well as the beige color. It wasn't thick and it wasn't burned so, after my shock, I just put it away in the fridge as normal.
It was a big mistake but think of it this way--With my condensed milk production going on, I was multi-tasking even better than I thought I was!
What did it taste like?
Pretty much like a heavier milk. Like condensed milk :-)
we make banoffee pie with condensed milk, you just need a few bananas
Too funny!
My leaving the flame on yesterday caused a pot of tea I put on to warm turn into a blackened pot that smelled...well, a lot like pot!
I am sure you will enjoy your condensed milk. I remember when Dan came home from India/Bangladesh area after a Lifewater gig, he kept opening the c-milk and putting a heaping teaspoonful into his tea. It was a big hit with us all!
Nice one, Sue. I"ll have to tell you what I recently did to the kettle another day...
Well, like Dan, I too like the condensed milk in my tea, but I can't get away with it too often with Dad around.
Dad says, Do you remember the note on our kitchen cupboard door, handwritten by you, years ago, and now aged, colored and fragile? You quote Henry James, "There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony of Afternoon Tea" Mumsie
Yum...there are many good recipes that call for chocolate and condensed milk...
Last month I killed my favorite big french oven...it is done for, pock-marked and toxic, I'm sure. I was steaming artichokes...what a sad way to lose a pot...
I don't think God intended for us to multi-task...
Hi Lisa, I've been keeping tabs on your blog and its great to have firsthand news from Tz, it almost feels like I'm back there sometimes. Your story reminds me of doing the same thing in Dodoma, only it started out as condensed milk (with the intention of becoming caramel) and ended up exploding and being cleaned off the walls. - Ben caston
Yes, Mum, I remember that good quote. And the one I once gave him from Wind in the Willows about how good it is to mess about in boats. I think Dad has some things right... lots of tea and lots of messing about in boats.
Dana, I'm sure you're correct that we are not actually meant to multi-task. Sigh.
Ben! It's lovely to hear from you. You and Sam are the ones who taught our family to say "Hanner" instead of "Hanna." Love to your parents!
cool !!! I guess that's how many good things were invented...eh, eh, eh...
I love condensed milk by the way ...Mmmm...
I'd like you to repeat that when I visit :-)
when I lived in Sudan and Kenya (obviously years ago) and treats were not plentiful, condensed milk bacame the treat of all treats - when steamed to become caramel....no explosions at my house, just happy tummies!
ah thanks for the tip; we cant buy condensed milk in Germany and i for one am missing the bannoffee pie!
And thanks as well for the tea/calling post, its one of teh very best things i've read in a long time.
much love
Thanks, Scott.
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