Monday, April 16, 2007

Wordless Prayers

32 dead on a Virginia campus today.

"The worst shooting in U.S. history."

If I could think of words I might write them, might pray them.

But words don't come. Instead, my gut aches.

I take this ache and point it toward heaven. There is One who understands how to interpret this cold, clamy pain in my stomach into prayers.

He hears. I believe this.


Rachel said...

Peace, perfect peace: let. it. come.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lisa, Your blog alerted me to the event yesterday. I tend to read it even before the news headlines. ;-)

I too am heavy, feeling the weight of so much senseless pain. In response I posted a lament which I wrote after the Nickel Mines school shooting, my attempt to give words to the emotions which whirled around in me. You can find it here:

Strength and blessings in your packing and leave-taking! I love to follow your story. Love, Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, thanks so much. I will take a break soon and read your lament. Nice to be in touch! xx

Brian said...

Lisa, we thanks for this post