Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dear Kenya, We Sing for You Your Song

Today, my prayers for Kenya are shaped by the simple, sweet words of her national anthem.

This is the first verse and I found it a good way to sing my prayers for a land that our family loves.

"Oh God of all Creation
Bless this our land and nation
Justice be our shield and defender
May we dwell in unity, peace and liberty
Plenty be found within our borders."

Dear God of all Creation, hear our cry.


pearl said...

Levantanse, levantanse
Rise up, Africa, the L-rd needs you now.

Anonymous said...

praying praying praying. Kenya. I never know what to do. It's so hard for me thinking about this "problem". This disaster, this pain, heartbreak, death, rebellion, etc, whatever it is. Because I don't know what I can do. In reality I can't do anything. So it really is easier not to think about it. But I still do (obviously and hopefully), so prayer is "all" we have. But it is powerful, yes? yes. but i feel SO helpless. I don't even really "know" all the implications/history/connections behind Africa or specifically Kenya. So I learn? (and none of it is even ABOUT me or really MATTERS what i think). The world is crying to our God!!! I love your posts. You put things really simply but its obvious the thought and love and care behind it. Im praying.

Lacey said...

Yesterday I went to a forum here at Anderson University about what is going on in Kenya. If was lead by one of our faculty who is Kikuyu. I felt as though he tried to give an objective presentation of what is going on, but he is only human and somethings that he said were found offensive by some listening. Particularly from a Luo family that is on staff here and has several children in attendence at the university. A war of words has now irrupted and my heart breaks to see how easy it is for this problem, that runs so deeply in a Kenya divided by ethnic lines to continue. Having a front row seat here as to how the conflict causes tears, anger, and hatred to affect even a community thousands of miles away, just re-affirms to me that we cannot place our trust in men. I am praying steadfastly.

lisa said...

Prince of Peace, please come.

Thanks for joining in our prayers.

Lacey, that is SO sad! (And revealing.)

DustofAfrica said...

I've been singing the anthem too. It's hard to know what else to say.
-Esther from the Good Family