Sunday, February 24, 2008

Catching a Glimpse of Jesse

I stole this photo of Jesse off of the blog the Creation Care program he's on in Belize keeps so that the parents can get a little glimpse of what's going on there. It's nice of them as the students have very limited opportunity to get on-line so we don't hear news very frequently.

I love the photo because it's just so very Jesse.

He told me that floating down the river on that warm and rainy day he was thinking about what it means to surrender to God and trust the current he has under us.

I like that I learn from my children about how to follow God.


Anonymous said...

How Lisa, how proud your heart must be. Jesse is an amazing person.

Anonymous said...

ahhh we miss jesse so so so so much over here!!!!
that picture is so nice to look at! it makes me smile!

Carrie said...

I'm sure you're so proud. He's grown into quite a young man! Thanks for the email. I won't clog your inbox any further than it is. I'm headed to amazon to buy that book as we speak. I'll stay in touch for sure! Ashe, ashe, ashe naleng!

Laugh Along With Me said...

I LOVE this photo!!! And I love even more what Jesse said about it. So cool.

pearl said...

Oh, I miss that one. Beautiful photo, good words.

Your words, too, Lisa. Very true. I'm sorry that I sound so terribly dramatic lately... it's been kind of overwhelming. Ha, I wish I knew better words. Hard things. But you're right, it means we're alive. Hearts that are awake.

And yeah, anything involving Africa is about a million times more intense and important than tiny things I am anxious about; good perspective.

lisa said...

Drama isn't always bad, Cari. And I didn't mean to sound like that issues other than Africa's aren't intense or important. It's just that we can't wait for a less intense reality before we begin to learn to cultivate peace and faith in the midst of it all.

Carolyn said...

Responding to what you wrote at the very end: "It's just that we can't wait for a less intense reality before we begin to learn to cultivate peace and faith in the midst of it all." How have you found the ways to do this? I am in such a big learning curve on this one. If you have the time, any thoughts would be helpful.
:-) Carolyn