"I have a present for you," Byron said as he came round the corner.
(He looked very much like he was up to no good.)
"Really?" I said, the suspicion in my voice drawing the word out.
He held up 2 bars of soap which, he said, he had just purchased from a salesgirl who had taken a liking to Josh (with whom he was having coffee) and who wanted to be Josh's friend. Hmmm.
"These are very special bars of soap," he said, the tone of his voice growing quite serious.
Reading from the back of the box he informed me that the medicated bars had natural extracts, were good for face, hands and body and that they provide "excellent sin care."
"Excellent for sin!" he exclaimed. "What a deal!"
"But they stink," I protested. I hate that hospital disinfectant smell.
"Think about it, Lees," he leaned in to say, "To take care of sin you need some pretty powerful stuff."
I guess he's probably right.
If that is what it will take then, by all means, sweet Lisa, SEND LOTS our way!! :)
Sooo funny, and yet Byron is right...powerful stuff. Maybe that is why we humans fight it so much...you know...accepting the gift Christ powerfully gave is somewhat "too easy" for us. All we have to do is accept HIs gift? we think it must be done by our own doing...silly people we are to get in the way of what Christ POWERFULLY, SELFISHLY, MIRACULOUSLY,...has already done for his sinfilled people.
Ahhh, the complexity if the simple!!
Byron and Lisa, we miss you! I want those eight months back to capture a deeper time with you both. Your hearts are precious and contagiously pointing to what we long for!!! Send any requests our way for how that Dan man can get lifewater support or construction or engineering support to you and your joyful land of 20 acres!!! Love the wild hope you inspire in Africa and here in our hearts!!
I severely miss Byron's humor. It accents your cheekiness just perfectly.
can i just say this makes me smile. i like that I can hear funny byron stories, and still picture the whole interaction and well I miss you guys terribly. terribly. love on the kids for me and imagine me on your porch for chai this afternoon...in my heart I am there!
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