Saturday, September 27, 2008


I know that "house-proud" is not actually meant as a flattering term, but I'm very pleased with myself about this cozy (cosy) little grouping in our living room.

We've been in this house for over a year and during that whole time I've never really been happy with the living room arrangement. It took spending an evening at home with me sitting and pondering on the sofa. I re-arranged things in my head until I found a plan that I liked. Then I enlisted the family to help me shove a few things around.

Now we sit in our sitting room instead of just walking through it. Heather and I read her history and science lessons together on the sofa.

Little changes make a big difference,

And morning sunlight is such a nice thing.


Anonymous said...

Happy for your pondered-out new space where you can enjoy each other. Won't show you a picture of our home, from any corner, at the moment. Yeesh! Quite the unkept, lived in, dumped in, and ignored house!! I do know even Byro man would raise a few brows upon entering our home right now. I still cherish his breathing out of the words, "Ahhh, now this is a lived in home!" when he entered our kitchen last Sept. 07. :)
Dan is off to Rochester NY and then will take a train into Brooklyn to see MacKenzie for a day on Wednesday. Happy for them! :) Missing that girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Lisa, thank you for posting this's always nice to see where the family hangs out. I don't know what I expected your house to look like, but this is way more home-y than my mind was picturing. Whenever I rearrange a room, I do like you did...sit there and picture everything in my head figuring out what would look best and work for the family. Your living room looks lovely...hopefully we'll see it in person someday!

Anonymous said...

oh i like!!! i miss this living room. Cute lisa : )

Love to all of you.

lisa said...

Sue, so nice for Dan to get to see Kenz!

Shelley, I think the green paint we slapped up here and there when we moved into this all cream colored house helped a lot. Color does so much! And I'm glad we brought some furniture from Portugal. That helps a lot.

And hi, D. :-)

Anonymous said...

It looks so cozy and comfy. I love the light coming through your beautiful windows.

Cindy said...

Lisa, I so understand the need to have a homey feeling. I don't care what kind of house I'm in just as long as I can work on it here and there to give it that comfy feel & you have definitely found it. I hope someday I can come enjoy a cup of tea with you there!

Have a "happy" day!