Well, this is my 500th post!
For the last couple of days I've wondered if maybe the big 500 was supposed to be particularly meaningful or something.
But actually the thing that's on my mind is that Jesse and Trevor are returning to California tomorrow (boo!) and it's VERY important that we record for history that, right now, 4 out of 6 Bordens wear their hair in a bun most days of the week.
So, yea, Borden buns :-) I'd be tempted to say "We've got cute buns" but I'm just so much more appropriate than that. (Cough.)
Happy 500th!
What a great picture!!!
You all do have cute buns-such a great family trait ;-)!!
xoxo, Dore'
I can't help but saying "nice buns!" :) I'm sure you're missing some of those bun-wearers right now. Prayers for you as you once again re-adjust to having a smaller number of plates at your dinner table.
Happy 500th blog post! I love reading your thoughts, makes me feel like we're not quite so far apart. xc
P.S. - Your post made me go and check my own counter and I've just reached 900! Wow - how did that happen. I think I'll hold off and celebrate the big 1000 though. xc
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