Byron, Jesse and Trevor got back from Phoenix at about 1am last night. They were pumped, a little hyper in fact.
The road trip to the conference was a great success. Pete Greig opened his Friday night talk with his naked in the elevator story, a truly great tale. Go buy The Vision and The Vow and read it for yourself :-)
I am happy, happy that they had such a good time, that the sessions were so good, that they had such a sweet time with Jason and Linda and fam, that the boys finally got to meet Pete, that they traveled safely and made good time coming home, and generally just had fun together.
Jesse was here briefly. In at 1am and out the door at 6:30am. He took an early train back to Santa Barbara so that he could spend the day getting the prayer room ready. Tonight they open their 24-7prayer week on the Wesmont campus and there's a definite buzz building. Byron and I will each take a couple of days up there to help host the thing.
God bless their week as students tag team day and night in the presence of their King.
well good to know that the boys had a good time... God bless.... well i found your blog pretty interesting.... i actually liked the way u have shared your thoughts....well u can sometimes drop by My Blog too and have a glimpse of something u may find interesting...!!!
woooweeee... i spent my first hour in the room last night and His Spirit is sweet like candy!
slots are filling.. hearts are awakening..
can't wait to see you!
glad your gang liked hearing pete speak. keep pushing into the heart of the Father!
24-7 Prayer
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