Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

I feel so unprepared for this weekend. My heart has not been meditating toward the meaning of these days. I am distracted by the details of major transitions in several directions.

Our friends in the Matrix community in Lisbon have planned some great ways to celebrate this time. Thursday night they gathered for a little film festival. You could watch The Passion of the Christ or The Chronicles of Narnia, both depicting the story of the sacrifice paid. Today they will gather to meditate on what it would have felt like to have lost Christ. Sunday they will worship at sunrise and then make a big pancake breakfast together.

We're all wishing we were there with them!

Tonight our little family-on-the-road will follow their lead and watch The Chronicles of Narnia together. The late night second feature will be The Passion of the Christ, playing in our living room after Heather is asleep.

This is a precious day of remembrance.

I am thankful for the payment made on my behalf.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I too feel unprepared and scattered this Good Friday. Instead of preparing my heart to remember the death and resurrection of our Lord, I've been spraying Lysol and washing bedding to combat Influenza that has overtaken our home. How comforting to know that His death took place for us pre-occupied moms all over the world, throughout all time.