Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday, Monday

I woke up very tired today.

Crying in bed at night will always make me wake that way.

I don't think I have a good reason to cry. Not compared to the kids living down in Unga Ltd, the economically challenged area of town where we sponsor our wonderful soccer team. Those bright eyed guys have friends and relatives who are HIV positive, and AIDS has already taken some of them.

I don't have a good reason to cry compared to most anyone in Africa.

But I'm tired and overwhelmed. It's like the 6 weeks of adrenaline that it has taken to do this initial moving-in work just ran out last night.

Jesse said a mutual friend saw Bono at an orphanage in town a couple weeks ago. My mind goes to the vastness of the issues and the problems that are too deep for western money to help. (Which is not an indictment against what Bono or anyone, us included, is doing. It's just where my mind went.) Thinking of that makes me put on U2's song "40".

I read the words of David in Psalm 40 and ask the Lord to please set my feet upon a rock.


Heather Cady said...

Praying for you, Lisa. He sees you. Hugs, H

Jenelle said...

Oh sweet Lisa, I'm sorry you're feeling so spun around. It is good to cry. I'm cheering for you. Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. I'm counting on that one, too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Heather and Jenelle. Feeling more encouraged today. The Psalms are good medicine. As are friends... even those who are far away. Blessings to you in Madrid and Maryland :-)

Anonymous said...

Praying for you honey, love you lots, your doing a fantastic job... xc