Thursday, March 20, 2008

And Jesse is Doing What?

As you know, Jesse is in Belize doing an environmental science semester at the Creation Care Study Program. He's loving it.

The students just completed 2 week internships with home stays and Jesse's was pretty much a perfect fit for who he is. He stayed with a djembe-maker and his family where he learned about more than just all things djembe.

He posted about it on their group blog so here's a word from our dread head boy. You have to scroll down about 3 short stories to his post...

Peace and Love.


Laugh Along With Me said...

So Cool...
I so badly want our kids to have opportunities like this. I'm not sure if we'll live on the mission field again, and if not, we are going to have to seek opportunities for them to experience other cultures and ways of life. I do not want them to forever be in a little "American bubble".
Thanks for sharing his experiences with us!

josephjen said...

Lisa - reading Jesse's entry was a flood of memories for me! I visited Emmeth's hut and experienced the joy of his fact, I even have one sitting right here in the living room with me! So crazy...anyway, so fun reading about their internships. I can't wait to get back to Belize for a visit :)

lisa said...

So, Shelley, make sure you guys bring the kiddos over to see us way over here. That would be pretty far from their norm :-)

Jen, that's so cool that you were there and have an Emmeth drum. Jesse said he learned so much!