Saturday, May 31, 2008

Blog Gagging

Some times I scroll through blogs and links and related articles and sometimes the writing can go hyper and then the whole thing starts to give me hyper tension. Good grief. The blogsphere is just crawling with Christians acting creepy toward each other as they slate their foes (other Christians) with their clever arguments. It’s as if there are armies of Christians out there who believe that their job is to take apart and “expose” every person that they don’t see eye to eye with. The term "heretic" has come to mean, “One who does not think like I do.”

What’s the point? I have to wonder…

What if people cared that much about guarding their own hearts and growth in their own spirits? What if they cared that much about the poor, the oppressed, the abused, the lost?

Jesus didn’t seem to spend much time preaching against wrong theology or doctrine. He did speak out against things from time to time. But honestly, most of his time was spent teaching in his gentle and patient way. The balance of his time was spent in relationship with friends, new and old, usually around food and drink.

Gentleness and patience. Food and drink. Now there’s a couple of concepts for us.


Anonymous said...

I know. I think the whole thing makes Jesus puke.

dana said...

what is SO hard, is that it's difficult to find anything in common with said christians...

do we know the same god, the same Jesus?

Adam Gonnerman said...

I use my blog to encourage and, yes, to work out and state what I believe. I've seen the rancor you seem to be referring to, though, and strive to avoid it. Lately I was witness to some pretty nasty exchanges on the comments of a blog. The blogger is "returning" to the Roman Catholic Church. There are haughty Catholics and low-brow Protestants sniping at each other, with a freethinker here and there taking pot-shots at whoever is handy. I unsubscribed from the comments. It was dragging me down just to see the exchanges.

Carolyn said...

Oh, Lisa! This is the most perfect thing for me to read just before heading out to church this morning! Thank you!

Carolyn :-)