Thursday, May 15, 2008

We do Jigs and I Grow Up

As I said, little jigs all over the globe these days as our family moves toward Arusha.

The adventures of getting us home have been great. Nearly missed flights, fully missed flights, lost bags, telephones left on planes (and miraculously retrieved), mistakes in itineraries, low luggage allotments, charges for extra bags, hazardous roads with crazy drivers, forgotten health cards with the needed immunization records... All quite alarming for a family of well-seasoned travelers!

At one point, I was in Africa on Skype to my parents in LA who had Byron in DC on their speaker phone and the 4 of us were connected as we waited to see how things would resolve after the missed flight of one of our offspring.

Each little and big incident has caused some level of anxiety in me. And yet, I am thankful.

I am thankful to learn a little more about the kindness of strangers, the generosity of customer service reps, the merciful intervention of a caring God. I am thankful to learn how to look the issues dead on, do what we can, pray for help and then let them go.

I think I have grown.

"Mama, I love you!" I hear Trevor's morning greeting as I make breakfast and I think to myself that I would live it again in a minute to hear that.

There is one nomad still on walkabout: Jesse Boy. He arrives on 21st (and can I say that I'm looking for no more dramas other than the highly dramatic happiness we will feel when we see him.)

And the very next day will bring Darrelle. Darrelle is the college friend who has captured Trevor's attention. How fun for us that we get to have her in Africa with us for 3 weeks!

Blessed and blessed... That's what we are!


Pam Markley said...

Reading this makes my heart smile. :) What joy it brings to the soul to know that soon, your entire family will be on that lovely veranda of yours having tea and cake. Smiling. Yep I am smiling.

pearl said...

Oh Lisa,
this makes my heart happy too:)

Anonymous said...

Happiness all around, Lisa! Your words continue to speak volumes of what real life, love, fear, trust, and growth look like. Your sharing brings me happiness!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy these precious moments... we are joyful along with you to have your boys home:) love you Lisa!

-Jill Baker

Anonymous said...

THREE WEEKS! How did Darrelle manage to get Three weeks at your place?

Love, Mum

lisa said...

Yes, it's so great that Darrelle was able to extend her time to 3 weeks as they all have lots of plans in mind :-)