Saturday, November 17, 2007

Heather's List

What a good day out!

We left the house at 5:45am and got home at 7:30pm. The big African sky above us was in constant shifting patterns as the clouds thickened and abated, thickened and abated throughout the day. The world below was draped in rich hues of greens and golds. The birds that traveled between flashed with colors too wild and iridescent to emulate.

This family was very happy to duck out of home school and office work to accommodate Bill and Tina's hope to visit the game park :-)

(Portrait of self by Heather)

So, here is Heather's list of animals that we saw:

1. Impala
2. Reed Buck
3. Water Buck
4. Elephant
5. Buffalo
6. Wildebeest
7. Silver Backed Jackal
8. Serval Cat
9. Vervet Monkey
10. Baboon
11. Dickdick
12. Kongoni
13. Mongoose (4 different kinds)
14. Tortoise
15. Giraffe
16. Zebra
17. Ostrich
18. Warthog
19. Bush Buck
20. Hyrax
21. Eland

(Mama and Baby taken by Heather)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great list,Heather. Oh how Emily (and all Klein's) dream of going to the game park under such a lovely sky WITH YOU!